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by Contributing Tester (99 points)
What are the 7 common types of software testing?

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by Contributing Tester (99 points)

Software testing is a testing process that helps to identify all the possible errors and failures. It helps to identify the quality of software before it comes into the marketing. Software testing is an iterative process as one bug is fixed it can illuminate other, deeper bugs or can create even new ones. In this article, we are going to see 7 common types of software testing. 

Types of Software Testing:

1) Black-box testing:

Black-box testing is a type of software testing that analyzes the functionality of an application without inspecting it into internal structures or workings.

2) White-box testing:

White Box Testing is a software testing strategy that tests an application while its internal structure, design, and implementation details are ready for the testers. It has got multiple names such as Clear Box Testing or Open Box Testing or Glass Box Testing or Transparent Box Testing or Code-Based Testing or Structural Testing.

3) Acceptance Testing:

Acceptance testing is a quality assurance (QA) process that decides to what degree an application reaches end-users' approval. Depending on the organization, acceptance testing might take the form of beta testing, application testing, field testing or end-user testing

4) Automated Testing:

Software Test automation makes use of specialized tools to control the execution of tests and compares the actual results against the expected result. Usually, regression tests, which are repetitive actions, are automated.

5) Regression testing:

Software Test automation makes use of specialized tools to control the execution of tests and compares the actual results against the expected result. Usually, regression tests, which are repetitive actions, are automated.

6) Regression Testing:

Regression testing is a quality assurance practice that evaluates whether a code or feature change has an adverse effect on the software.

7) Exploratory testing:

exploratory testing is about exploring, finding out about the software, what it does, what it doesn’t do, what works and what doesn’t work. The tester is constantly adjusting decisions about what to test next and where to spend the time. This is an approach that is most beneficial when there are no or poor specifications and when time is rigorously limited.


Software testing is one of the important processes in the software development lifecycle. If you are one of those who want to make a career in software testing we hope this article would have helped you to understand the basics of software testing types.

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