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in Framework-FAQ by The go-to Tester (181 points)
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Can you explain workflow in details and how to implement the same?

1 Answer

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by The go-to Tester (181 points)

This project is developed keeping page object pattern in mind.

So you need to create two packages inside your project.

<your comapny URL reverse package>.Actions

<your comapny URL reverse package>.PageObjects

Every class inside Actions package will extend BaseActions from framework and every PageObject should extend BasePageObject.

Here is sample PabeObject class.

You can have a look at project setup by checking out above project.

BaseActions: It takes care of initiating beforeSuite and After Suite as well as Before Method and After method activities, such as initiating report directory, initiating remote driver, initiating db communication.

BasePageObject: It defines structure of PageObject class. Also it has basic methods to work with elements.

Package has four major packages.

DTO: It is used to maintaing objects for reporting and utilizing the same for reporting later.

Base: It has xRemoteWebDriver which is extenstion of RemoteWebDriver, BasePageObject and BaseActions.

Reporting: It has all classes necessary for reporting purpose.

Util: It has utility classes such as,Reading excel file, sending an email, Managing property file, Zipping report, etc.


asked May 2, 2016 in Framework-FAQ by The go-to Tester (181 points)
edited Aug 7, 2018 by
What is error handling and recovery scenario, how did you implement in your project?

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