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by The go-to Tester (262 points)
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I have send a request to an api and got the 200 response. Getting json stucture as result.

My question is now to count the number of fields in the json result.


Example :

If my response json looks like :


id : 1,

member : 123,

type : google,

src : google


Here the count is '4'. Can you please suggeste me the method to count the feild.

1 Answer

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by The go-to Tester (181 points)

You can store above into a sttring and seperate it by comma.


String myStr = "{id : 1,member : 123,type : google,src : google}";

String[] values = myStr
.replaceAll("\n","") // remove next line
.split(","); // seperate string by comma
Now you can print values.length which is equal to number of fields.
Hope that helps.

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