Are you Guest Posting? Kindly have a quick look at our guidelines. We know you are busy, but we have kept it very short and to the point.
- The article should be related to software testing.
- It should be at least 750 words article.
- It should not have very long sentences.
- It should be in English language.
- All articles will go through a Quality Check. The article will be published only if it passes a quality check.
- The article should be plagiarism-free.
- If you are promoting any product or service, not more than 9 backlinks can be accepted.
- Make sure that the article is more informative to our readers
- We do not charge to publish an article.
- It takes around 2-3 weeks for us to review and publish your article.
We are currently accepting articles related to software testing which falls under the below categories:
- Blogs
- Tutorials
- Lab
- Interviews
- News
Let’s brief them.
Blogs: Put your thoughts on the software testing industry and we will add it here. Any article which is non-technical or semi-technical will be added here. Articles such as best practices, how-tos, 5-points to do something or 10 points to do something, introduction to the new tool, application or framework offer, and instructions, or any article not falling under the below categories can be added here.
Tutorials: If you are creating a tutorial of any product, tool, or framework, that will be added under tutorials. Documented tutorials must contain screenshots.
Lab: Any technical article, hack, strategy, or approach which you implemented recently that worked, will be added here. We expect you to add the code snippet.
Interviews: You can take an interview with an influencer in the software testing industry and we will add it to Interviews. Photographs of the interviewer and interviewee will be appreciated.
News: Are you a company spokesperson or a freelance journalist? Then this is your category. Give us an update about the company or industry and we can add it here.
Ready to publish your article?