Category: Long Tutorials

  • Automation Testing: A Game Changer for Marketing Strategies

    Automation Testing: A Game Changer for Marketing Strategies

    Automation testing is the concept where the software or applications undergo tests to validate the features or functionalities. There is no need for manual intervention in this approach, which helps speed up the overall development lifecycle of an app or software. When you implement automation testing, your business will be able to speed up the…

  • Testing React Applications: A Comprehensive Guide

    Testing React Applications: A Comprehensive Guide

    React, a free and open-source front-end JavaScript library, has gained popularity in creating exceptional user interfaces in web development processes. However, for React applications to be of quality and stability, it is necessary to perform thorough testing. Testing plays a significant role in custom software development companies and help to ensure your applications are reliable,…

  • Clicking Check Box & Radio buttons

    In all the example we have tried in the tutorial so far, we have not performed any action on “Checkbox” or “Radio Buttons”, Well in this tutorial we’ll see them all. Ideally “Checkbox” or “Radio Buttons” can be identified by simple “ID attributes”. But while doing actual automation that’s not the only thing we want.…

  • Different ways to identify element using Selenium WebDriver’s findElement method

    We learned in “Locators In Selenium IDE” chapter and looked by example how to use this locator in the Selenium IDE with examples. To use the same locator in Selenium Webdriver the general syntax is below. driver.findElement(By.<locatorName> (“<<Identifier>>”)); Element location Strategy: The findElement methods take a locator value or it query object called ‘By’. In…

  • Different operations or commands used on the WebElement

    Let’s start with the basic question. What is WebElement? In a simple language WebElement is “Value” enclosed in  HTML tags. Eg: for <p> HTML paragraph. </p> The webelement is everything within <P>… </P>. In Selenium We are using “findElement” or “findElements” command to find WebElement and perform an action on them. Below is the syntax: WebElement element = driver.findElement(“Username“)); This WebElement can…