How To Use Test Management Tool?

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What Is A Test Management Tool?

Test Management tool is a storage of information on how testing should be done. It allows testers to plan QA activities, measure test results and report the status of testing activities. Every test management tool is different due to its approach to testing and can provide users with various sets of features.

It is important to note that test management tools improve the testing process, resulting in a better product being delivered faster is important to note that test management tools improve the testing process, resulting in a better product being delivered faster.

How To Use Test Management Tool?

Using test management tools, you can record information on how to do the following testing activities:

  • Testing, 
  • Planning testing activities,
  • Tracking the progress of quality assurance processes. 

The main duties of these tools are to maintain and plan manual testing, execute automated tests, manage multiple environments and enter information about defects that have been found.

Why QA Needs To Use Test Management Tool?

Using Excel sheets to manage test cases can make collaboration challenging. While sharing the sheet with your team members may seem straightforward, it could still be quite time-consuming. Moreover, they may end up working on different versions of an excel sheet. Online test case management can save you time and help you improve quality assurance processes. 

The purpose of test management tools is to keep track of all testing activity, analyze data, manage manual and automated test cases across various environments, and plan and maintain manual testing.

The TestCaseLab team collaboration tool makes it easy for you to work with your teammates. Each time someone edits the same test case, you’ll be notified.

Multi-user functionality is available in TestCaseLab. Any changes made by the user are synchronized throughout the entire case. Excel spreadsheets are commonly used for collaboration, which can lead to inconsistencies or conflicts in data. Syncing data in real-time can alleviate these problems.

Test case management tools with Jira integration are in high demand from testers. By linking the platform with a bug-tracking system, TestCaseLab significantly speeds up the testing process. Asana, Trello, GitHub, and Mantis are also integrated with this platform. The number of integrations will be expanded in the near future.

There are a lot of Test Management tools, in this article we recommend using Test Case Lab.

What Is TestCaseLab?

TestCaseLab is a web-based test case management tool for engineers doing manual quality control. It allows you to manage your test cases, test plans, and test runs in your web application, and optionally report these cases to the bug-tracking tool. It also makes testing more organized so you can keep the product high quality.

How To Use TestCaseLab?

  1. First of all, you need to register a company. To do this visit the website
    Right after registration, you are able to create a first project and start creating testing documentation. 
  1. To create a Project, log in to your TestCaseLab account and use the [Create your project] button.
    Name the project and open it once it is created. This action will redirect you to the Test Cases page. 
  1. On the Test Cases page, you can create your test cases, and group them into the suites to create a hierarchy.
  1. Test Case has features that help QA engineers optimize the testing process.
    You can set up a Type of Test Case, and give a Tag to your Test Case. Tags are created for filtering purposes. You can add a description and steps for every test case you have.
  1. You can create a Test Plan and include any amount of Test Cases in it. Also, you can create an unlimited amount of Test Plans. To do this, navigate to the ‘Test Plans’ page. 
  1. TestCaseLab allows you to combine Test Plans into a Test Run. Execute your Test Cases and report bugs directly from TestCaseLab to your favorite bug-tracking tool. TestCaseLab has integration with Redmine, Jira, Jira Cloud, Asana, Trello, Youtrack, Mantis, GitHub, and Pivotal. 
  1. You can create a Report to see your testing progress.
  1. If you have a team, you can easily add any amount of your team members to your company and work together on the same project. You can provide them with different company roles so that some of them will not have access to your personal Project. 

To do this go to the Admin settings and invite your team members.

TestCaseLab is easy to use and this Test Management tool can reduce time spent on testing, help you to track your work, and record and show all actions in one place so you can see all changes that are made by you or other users on the Activity Stream. 

We looked through the most important features of this tool, but they have more useful features that will help you to optimize your testing, organize your test cases and make your product better.

As we can see, test management plays a crucial life in the SDLC. 

Writing QA documentation and measuring test results using detailed status reports is important. Test Management Tools can simplify testing activities and gain a lot of time to ensure the project’s quality.

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