Mobile application testing – 13 points, dos and donts

Do’s of the mobile application testing.

    • Real device testing – No simulator or emulator can replace real device experience. You can execute your smoke tests or sanity tests on emulators/simulators. But, regression should be done on real devices. Choose top 5 or top 10 models your users use.
    • Early and Continuous Testing – Like desktop and web application, the mobile application testing requires continuous testing. Early and continuous testing ensures that your mobile app is much stable and we can prevent future complexions.
    • Choose a set of devices that covers 80% of your user base – It is impossible to test on all possible devices. The best advice will be to test on devices that cover 80% of your user base.
    • Use mobile automation tools – Like desktop and web applications, we can even automate mobile applications testing suite. Make sure that you automate repeated tests. This will save lots of time.

Performance, stress and security testing

    – Make sure that you have proper test cases prepared to cover performance, stress, and security of the mobile application. Make sure that you have known and unknown vulnerabilities covered. Including that are happening from third-party applications and open source applications.

  • Localization testing – Make sure that the mobile application follows all laws of the local government Also, make sure that the mobile application has proper local language usage. If the mobile application supports different geographical area, it should be tested with different laws and languages supposed in different areas.
  • Battery consumption, interoperability and size testing – If the mobile application is consuming lots of battery it will get deleted. If the mobile is big in size, it will not get downloaded. Also, make sure that the mobile application is working fine with other popular applications.
  • Testing Strategy – Based on above Dos, make sure that you have proper team in place. Based on the team size and their capabilities, have a proper testing strategy in place.
  • Think like a business team – Before you start testing, you should concentrate on acquiring the domain knowledge to think like a business team. Failing to think like a business team will lead to confusion. Confusion is very bad for testing.
  • Use metrics – Use metrics. This will help you understand your team performance and how you are improving the quality of the mobile application. Also, it will create a room for an improvements.

Dont’s of the mobile application testing.

  • Unplanned testing – Not planning your testing ahead will create chaotic situation. This will affect your schedule badly. Planning will make sure that you have smooth execution.
  • Rooting or Jail-breaking – Rooting or Jail-breaking the device should be strictly avoided. Results achieved on such devices can not be considered as an accurate.
  • Use emulator for complete testing – Emulators are good to test certain functionalities. But, testing your whole suite on emulators are not advisable. As those will not lead you to the accurate result.

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