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What do you mean by Agile Tester? How do I become one?

2 Answers

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by Expert (570 points)
Software testing services follow incremental and iterative approach of testing to update the product in earlier stage of development instead of performing the changes at a later stage. In agile methodology, the application is developed and tested in smaller builds and then the multiple iterations are done for fixing and testing these builds.

Here are few roles and responsibilities of agile tester:

- An agile tester should be a team player and should have outstanding coordination with the team.

- Agile testers follow exploratory approach instead of testing as per drafted steps.

- Instead of focusing on breaking the code while testing, validation of the features as per specification should be the focus.

- You should follow the continuous testing approach for preventing defects.

- An agile tester should have good knowledge about agile methodologies. He should have active participation in daily standup meetings, should join sessions regarding the product user stories which he need to test, and attend regular retrospection meetings to ensure the implementation of impediments required.

- Actively coordinating with developers, product management teams, etc. helps in making the product requirements more clear and understandable.

- Closely working with the product management to understand the expectations, acceptance tests planning and overall acceptance tests coverage.

- Knowledge of the automation testing tool implementation to cater the regression testing.

- Tester should have knowledge of setting up the test environments, test data for functional/ volume test execution.
- Creating the test report and sharing it across the teams involved in agile process to keep the team informed about the progress and defects encountered.
- Should have good coordination with the product management team and stakeholders for iteration planning and further project plans.
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Being an agile tester commonly means you will be involved in all stages of a project, rather than just brought in at the end. You are part of the team and as such you should:

- You should attend planning sessions: This allows you to ask questions at an early stage and also get to know what you will be testing later on. Your estimate should also be included in the stories estimate.

- You should attend daily stand ups: All members of the team should be involved in the stand ups and a testers role is just as important as everyone else.

- You shouldn't leave testing until the end of the sprint: As soon as a story is complete, have the developers involved do a quick hand over demo and start your testing sooner rather than later to identify bugs early.

- Attend retrospectives: Listen to how others felt the project went and also give your thoughts and ideas for improvements.

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