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by Contributing Tester (99 points)

3 Answers

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by The go-to Tester (173 points)
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Framework in automation testing is used to make our work easy instead order of writing multiple lines of source code & make our code heavy frame is used to make easy in code & make much hazzle free coding.  Also we can use to make much customized report in our framework according to need.
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by Contributing Tester (52 points)
I would like to give you an example : Consider the place we live in say a house, All we need is a roof under which we can safely reside in. But we divide them into rooms like living room, kitchen, bedroom, balcony etc., so that we can easily get an idea of where things will be and also it gives you some sort of order.

Likewise framework is something which gives you an idea of where the code you are looking for might & easy maintainability of the code rather than placing the entire code in a single file. Test Automation framework is one which the name suggests a framework exclusively for test automation.

You might have heard about framework like keyword driven, Page Object Model , hybrid framework etc., you can use it depending upon your necessity. Its again similar to the example I gave, even though the general rule for building a house is to have different rooms but the final structure depends on your necessity & the architects involved.
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by Contributing Tester (79 points)

A testing framework is a set of guidelines or rules used for creating and designing test cases. A framework is comprised of a combination of practices and tools that are designed to help QA professionals test more efficiently. These guidelines could include coding standards, test-data handling methods, object repositories, processes for storing test results, or information on how to access external resources.

While these are not mandatory rules and testers can still script or record tests without following them, using an organized framework typically provides additional benefits that would otherwise be missed out on.

Benefits of a Test Automation Framework - 

  • Improved test efficiency

  • Lower maintenance costs

  • Minimal manual intervention

  • Maximum test coverage

  • Reusability of code

With MOZARK’s UXAnalytics, you can test your app’s experience without source code or debug APK, without integrating a single line of code. Since the testing technique is a completely black box, app owners can benchmark experience with competitor apps as well. It allows you to perform app experience testing at scale and get insights about the end-user experience while using the app, eg: Time taken to load any particular page, time taken to complete a transaction, video and audio experience, etc. You can have a complete chrome dev tool with production APK and can be used as a security tool too. First level performance analysis (battery drain, CPU/RAM load) is also available.

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