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by Master (1.2k points)

2 Answers

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by The go-to Tester (173 points)
Random Testing : Meant to provide test value in order to check the efficient of the application. This is used to do the break the functionality of the test so that no further issues found further when delivered to client.

Monkey Testing: Meant to test randomly with random data set. This is also implemented to UI / Functionality check.
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by Contributing Tester (79 points)

Monkey testing is a technique where the user tests the application or system by providing random inputs and checking the behavior or seeing whether the application or system will crash. Monkey testing is usually implemented as random, automated unit tests.


Monkey testing is an effective way to identify some out-of-the-box errors. Since the scenarios tested are usually ad-hoc, monkey testing can also be a good way to perform load and stress testing. The intrinsic randomness of monkey testing also makes it a good way to find major bugs that can break the entire system. The setup of monkey testing is easy, therefore good for any application. Smart monkeys, if properly set up with an accurate state model, can be good at finding various kinds of bugs.

MOZARK’s  Application Testing platform is a mobile app testing platform that helps automate the testing process using an industry-unique integrated platform to ensure every release is bug-free. It is easy to integrate with Jira. Easy reporting of bugs and usage of the dashboard. It enables screenshots and recordings with easy automation.

You can get your hands on it for free by signing up for a 30-day trial.

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