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by Contributing Tester (51 points)
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While attending the interview the technical person asked me "What is the difference between web application testing and mobile application testing?"  what difference you see while testing web application and mobile application.


Can you guys please give an approprite answer for it?
by New User (11 points)
Hi Sachin ,

Appium used for mobile application Testing and Selenium used for Web application testing.

If you want to get started with mobile automation testing,go through our blog -

If you want to get started with web automation testing.go through our blog -

We at Qxf2 Services also have a open-source framework for both mobile and web app testing . You could check out at

2 Answers

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First thing first:

Screen size matters - for responsive it is easy to develop

Installation - Mobile - Required | WEB - Not Required

Device compatibility - we have to cover more devices {nokia, samsung, apple, HTC, blackberry and list goes on- mobile | very less in WEB compared  Mobile{we can count it by finger tips}

Storage Capacity

Input interface - Keypad | Keyboard & mice

Speed Delay - Less in Mobile | More in WEB based apps

Voice support - Mobile {siri,alexa,google} - WEB problem solved for testers
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by Contributing Tester (79 points)

Appium is used primarily for testing Native, Hybrid, or Web applications in mobile devices (iOS or Android), in which Selenium is the most popular tool for automated testing of desktop web apps. 

Benefits of appium testing:

  • Automates Various Types of Mobile Apps.

  • Does not require App Code Recompilation.

  • Allows Testers to Use Real Devices, Emulators, and Simulators.

  • Enables Testers to Automate Apps without Adding Extra Components.

  • Provides a Record and Playback Tool.

  • Facilitates Test Execution without Server Machines.


Selenium is used for both web and mobile applications and it is having web drivers for web applications.


Benefits of selenium testing:

  • Platform Portability

  • Open Source Advantage

  • Flexibility and efficiency

  • Language Support


A great platform for appium and selenium mobile app testing is QAppAssure by MOZARK. You can test on-cloud and on-field devices, across 100+ device, make and models, Integrate with Jira, CI/CD tools and also use Appium, Calabash, Espresso, UIAutomator, XCUITest.

This site is for software testing professionals, where you can ask all your questions and get answers from 1300+ masters of the profession. Click here to submit yours now!
