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by Master (1.2k points)
What is the difference between the test case and test scenarios?

1 Answer

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by Contributing Tester (79 points)

Test Scenario

Test Case

A test scenario contains high-level documentation which describes an end to end functionality to be tested.

Test cases contain definite test steps, data, expected results for testing all the features of an application.

It focuses on more "what to test" than "how to test".

Complete emphasis on "what to test" and "how to test.".

Test scenarios are one-liner. So, there is always the possibility of ambiguity during the testing.

Test cases have defined a step, pre-requisites, expected result, etc. Therefore, there is no ambiguity in this process.

Test scenarios are derived from test artifacts like BRS, SRS, etc.

A test case is mostly derived from test scenarios. Multiple Test case can be derived from a single Test Scenario

It helps in an agile way of testing the end to end functionality

It helps in exhaustive testing of an application

You can use this automation tool which I recently came across called QAppAssure, it is a platform for mobile experience testing automation. It has an On-field and on-cloud devices availed testing, which helps the app owner understand both the sides of the coins that are the bug faced by the current users and also before release too. Integrated test management also makes it easy to use all Jira and CI/CD tools in one place and also reports all bugs from all the destinations with the support of Multiple Frameworks like Appium, Calabash, Espresso, UI Automator, XCUITest, are also supported.

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