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by The go-to Tester (218 points)
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I am running automated ests using Selenium Webdriver. I am using npm package and written in node.js. My OS is Mac EI Captain and selenium version is 3.0.1. I am getting the following error-:

Uncaught Error: server terminated early with status 126
by The go-to Tester (181 points)
can you paste command to run? Are you using ProtractorJS?
by The go-to Tester (218 points)
I am using node.js. I have the following code-:

var selenium = require('selenium-webdriver')
var By = selenium.By
var chrome = require('selenium-webdriver/chrome')

var path = require('chromedriver').path
var service = new chrome.ServiceBuilder(path).build()

before(function () {
    this.driver = new selenium.Builder()

1 Answer

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Best answer
Can you check if you have proper version of ChromeDriver installed? We usually face this issue when you use 32-bit Chromedriver on 64-bit system. Change your Chromedriver to 64-bit and it should be good.

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