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by Contributing Tester (74 points)
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Can anyone brief about How can we use the Axosoft tool?

1 Answer

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by Master (1.2k points)
Axosoft is a project management tool for Agile teams.

You can have a look at their official tool demo

You can start your free trial by providing your information here

They will send you credentials to log in to the system.

Based on your team, you can create a project, stories, and tasks. You can add team members there.

I had a chance to use their tool. It's good. Its UI just need more improvements.

Hope that answered your question.
by Expert (748 points)
Hi Sir,
It seems we can add stories in this tool, so that product backlog backlog all are there.So, it is scrum methodology
by Master (1.2k points)
Yes, Its mainly used by the agile team following the scrum.

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