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by Expert (748 points)
Is there any tool to check logs in performance testing using jmeter while executing script?

1 Answer

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by Expert (572 points)
Execute your tests in non GUI mode and you should be able to see logs on your console.

You can execute your jmx file via command line as given below.

jmeter -n -t <foobar.jmx>

Here -n is to execute JMeter in non GUI mode and -t is path to the jmx file.

Is that what you asked for?
by Expert (748 points)
I have already known non gui mode jmeter -n -t testplan.jmx -l log.jtl
I am asking is there any tool like while checking in appium , it have logcat option

But if we checking in gui mode then how we check logs expect of response result which we get in view result tree listener
by Expert (572 points)
Got it. I am not sure of any specific tool.

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