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by The go-to Tester (131 points)
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Is it the right path to the career.

3 Answers

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by The go-to Tester (173 points)
Purpose is simple behind software testing " to make simple and yet effective product for the people to use" we can't think about people / end user then there is no use of making product. Think from user perspective first before testing, a user can make a simple error to big / major error as a software tester we need to think from user perspective first.
It is the right path to be choose from. Be a user first and then a software tester.
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by Contributing Tester (32 points)

Before understanding what is Software Testing, we have to first understand what is meant by the word Testing. Lets first understand the meaning of the word Testing in the real world. As humans, we generally Test something to find out whether it is working or not.

Example for Testing: Let’s say you have brought a new Television and successfully got it installed at your home. After getting it installed, without any delay, you will first check whether your new Television is working or not. The process of checking whether your new Television is working or not is nothing but Testing. You have tested whether your new TV is working or not.

But, why do we Test?

We generally check or test something to find out whether there are any defects in the Product. In the above example, we have tested the Television to find out whether by chance you have received a defective piece. And have just thought of returning it, if you find any defects in the recent brought TV.

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by Contributing Tester (79 points)

Software testing has the following goals or purposes - 

  • Finding defects that may get created by the programmer while developing the software.

  • Gaining confidence in and providing information about the level of quality.

  • To prevent defects.

  • To make sure that the result meets the business and user requirements.

  • To ensure that it satisfies the BRS that is Business Requirement Specification and SRS that is System Requirement Specifications.

  • To gain the confidence of the customers by providing them a quality product.

Software testing helps in finalizing the software application or product against business and user requirements. There is a testing tool called Mozark’s Application testing platform. It simplifies integration with Jenkins/JIRA/Slack/TestRail and acts as an integrated test case management module to assist in managing a firm’s testing teams. It provides both APIs and UI options to integrate it with CI/CD tools, issue management portal, test case management portal, and messaging channels and raise pre-configured bugs report directly from the portal. It is easy to integrate with Jira. Easy reporting of bugs and usage of the dashboard. It enables screenshots and recordings with easy automation.

You can get your hands-on Mozark’s Application testing platform for free by signing up for a 30-day trial.
