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Can you give the difference between Paw and SoapUI? Also, please let us know which one is better.

1 Answer

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by The go-to Tester (142 points)
PAW is the most advanced API tool for Mac. Paw is a full-featured HTTP client that lets you test and describe the APIs you build or consume. It has a beautiful native macOS interface to compose requests, inspect server responses, generate client code and export API definitions.

SOAP UI is a free and open-source testing tool. This cross-platform tool gives the possibility to change the test setup in accordance to the target environment. With the help of Groovy, the complex validation scripts can be created. The assertions, created in XPath or XQuery, can help to create the web methods results.

If you are Mac user and looking for paid and reliable API testing tool, you can use PAW. Or, go for SOAP UI.

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